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Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, November 24

Look at Me

Well we knew this day was coming soon. John says he has seen Jackson do this before but it was the first time he ever did it that I saw. He was trying to get John's Husker's cap that was on the coffee table, he loves to chew on that thing. He just stood there for what seemed like forever just talking to himself, jabbering on and on about who knows what. I wish we could read their minds. Of course when he talks non-stop is when John says he's just like me. That's ok though. I talked before I was two so I'll just say that makes him a genius! He finally started to fuss when he got tired of standing up. He does the standing up part pretty good, he just can't figure out how to get back down.

He was so huggy/kissy tonight and it was great. I already know I am going to miss this time with him when he's a baby. John says he's a mama's boy with all the kissing but I don't care. The time will come soon enough when he doesn't want to have anything to do with all that so I'll just enjoy it while I can.


Jason and Vanessa said...

I love your blog! You have a very cute layout (I'm sure that's not what it is called but you know what I mean) Jackson is so cute! It was so good to see yall the other day. Hopefully we can hang again soon.

Love ya,
Vanessa D